
Unpacked all the stuff the next day for washing & keeping. Bought some stuff from Japan. But not a lot as compare to other trips. Everything in Japan is simply VERY expensive except Daiso. So we ended up with a lot of yen back again. :(

Found this stirrer at Disneysea...

With a Mickey's head, couldn't resist not bringing it back. :)

Snacks for CG members, colleagues & families.

We collected stamps at different stations at Hakone to exchange for these souvenirs. The stamps & carrier featured 小天使. If you are around my age, you probably had watched this cartoon during childhood time.

Bea's artwork from Hakone

Stuff we bought from Daiso.

Bea was only allowed to buy 1 item at every place that we went.

For myself.

My collection!

Limited edition (Japan only) Agnes.b.

DH said he didn't buy anything for himself. :(

This post wrap up our trip in Japan. Gonna catch up with after Jpn blogging soon.

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