
Thanks to Muakids that belong to a "old" friend Jocelyn, Beatrice gets her name & class label for her P1.

Check out the website for more details.

These are waterproof labels which I used to label her books, water bottle, lunch box, school bag, pencil case and anything that she will have to bring to school.  The school highlighted to the parents many times to label the girl's belongings.


I feel so alive from my bedroom now!  The amazing thing of a new homeplug.

I digged out a pair of old homeplug from our old place but it doesn't work anymore.  And I end up calling Singtel to come down for 3 times to fix the connection due to faulty modem & low connection even from living room.

Anyway, I'm happy again.  Looking forward to updating my blog though I still have a few more boxes of stuff to unpacked.  I'm also looking forward to speedy fibre optic connection after CNY.

No Broadband

I'm ready to blog but I do not have any broadband connection from my bedroom.   My room is out of the wireless range.  I'm living in ancient time!

Getting the family members to upgrade the broadband at home & need to do some shopping to enhance the wireless range to my bedroom.

Will be back to blog once I get things connected.