Beatrice drinks bottle MM when I'm at work. But when I'm around, she refuse the bottle. She will only take bottle if it is fresh from pump. And she says NO to formula milk. I was still having hard time giving her bottle 3 weeks ago at a wedding dinner. Last week I started giving her formula during the night feed. To my surprise she did not resist, she even finish drinking. No more excuse for DH!
She has better appetite for solid food now.
She has also show some improvement of better sleep at night. She can go back to sleep on her own if she wakes up in the small hours.
This blog is specially set up for my little Beatrice. I hope to capture the little & the big details of her childhood years. Years later, this blog will help me remember those little moments.
My Neighbor Totoro

The director of this movie, Hayao Miyazaki is one of the greatest animator and director in Japan. My Neighbor Totoro is still one of the greatest art piece he has ever done.
He also has a animation studio in Japan, Studio Ghibli where he has directed, written and produced many other films. Some of his other films include Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Porco Rosso, Kiki's Delivery Service, Laputa: The Castle in the Sky & NausicaƤ of the Valley of Wind.
Japan is one of the dream country which I want to go for holiday. Given a chance, I would like to add on to my collection and visit the Studio Ghibli.
Swim with Mommy

Yesterday, Beatrice had a swim with Raenen again. This time the mommies were together in the pool. Got DH to take photos of me & Beatrice... ~sign~... he & his skill... took so many photos but only this one looks nice, the rest either eyes closed or blur.
As usual, Bea was excited splashing & kicking water and happy to be with Rae. They had a long 45 min swim. Rae caught a cold last night & Bea has a running nose this morning. Think we let them played for too long in the water. Got to cap at 30 min max the next time.
As usual, Bea was excited splashing & kicking water and happy to be with Rae. They had a long 45 min swim. Rae caught a cold last night & Bea has a running nose this morning. Think we let them played for too long in the water. Got to cap at 30 min max the next time.

These were taken 2 years ago in my room at my mum's place.
Right top: Chi Chi
Left Bottom: Bu Bu
Right Bottom: Chu Chu
Few years back, Chu Chu came in second in the chins competition held in Singapore by Chinchilla Club. Back then, I was an active member in the club. As chins were not easy to survive in topical weather like Singapore, many chins had passed away since then & many owners had gave away their chins. Today, not many chins are left in Singapore. And probably I had one of those oldest chins.
My chins used to live in very good life, they have good quality food which I used to shipped in from US, stayed in air-con room, drink distilled water. The pictures above is actually their small little room which I had specially created for them. Now they have been downgraded to living in a ventilated kitchen with occasional air-con during playtime.
Fun Time Together
Shake Head
One of Beatrice's new skill. She will even smile after she shake her head to say NO. This shows that she knows that it is fun doing it, she can make the adult laugh.
Chinchillas - Old Photos

I fell in love with these little creatures when they first came to Singapore 10 years ago. Chi Chi (BD:12-02-1997) was my first chinchilla, she was 3.5 months old when I bought her from Pet Kingdom. Few months later, I bought Chu Chu (BD:26-05-1997) to be her mate. A year later, they have their litters... Bu Bu & Bi Bi (BD:13-05-1998).
Both Chi Chi & Chu Chu are living with me at our new home. Both of them are in their old age, they are 10 years old this year. Bu Bu and Bi Bi have gone to Raisin Land on 30-May-2005 & 12-Dec-2002.
Both of them have been neglected badly since we have Beatrice. Really hope I can spend a little more time with them.
Playgroup with Raenen
Having a little headache with my little one. For past 1 week, her daily schedule is all jumble up... She slept at 8pm at night and wakes up at 3am asking for milk & play & not willing to sleep in her cot. And my DH commented that she is still so young, don't torture her, give her milk. NO!! I don't want her to make it a habbit to wake up every night for milk.
And then for past few days, she was so sticky to me, not wanting others to carry... separation anxiety again? I thought I am already so near to leaving her alone in the nursery.
ArrGH!! Do I have to start the teaching cycle all over again??
I'm like the missing panda from the zoo now. Hmmm... wonder if MTM Custom-Blended Eye Mask is good?
And then for past few days, she was so sticky to me, not wanting others to carry... separation anxiety again? I thought I am already so near to leaving her alone in the nursery.
ArrGH!! Do I have to start the teaching cycle all over again??
I'm like the missing panda from the zoo now. Hmmm... wonder if MTM Custom-Blended Eye Mask is good?
Ah Gong's Birthday

She was busy playing with her little fingers that night. My aunty (4D queen) observed her fingers play for 4 digit number and she managed to catch a set which my parents and aunties were so excited chipping in money to buy the following day. Haha... the number did not even appeared in the consulation prize.
She is learning to use her little fingers to pick up snacks but she still does not know how to place the snack into her mouth. Everytime I tried to guide her hand to her mouth, she would let go the snack instead.
Bought a set of this Munchkin suction bowl for her so that we can place her snack inside, keep her occupy while we can enjoy our food. Later stage she can learn to feed herself without topping over the bowl.
She is learning to use her little fingers to pick up snacks but she still does not know how to place the snack into her mouth. Everytime I tried to guide her hand to her mouth, she would let go the snack instead.
Bought a set of this Munchkin suction bowl for her so that we can place her snack inside, keep her occupy while we can enjoy our food. Later stage she can learn to feed herself without topping over the bowl.
Swimming with Reanen
May Development
Still no sign of her wanting to crawl. But she had learnt to sit up from lying down position. She had also mastered shaking her body to express that she is happy or to the music. She is an EXPERT in shaking her head to say "NO".
She scream for snacks whenever she sees any family member eating in front of her. And if you don't offer her some, she continue with cry. She is showing signs that she dislikes to eat her porridge and cereal, having hard time trying to get her to open her mouth. However, she is FAST in eating her snacks!
She can recognise the family people. If you say where's ah gong, she will turn her head to look at him etc.
She knows the hand expression of "no more".
New words... "mum mum" (food) and "nan nan" (milk).
She scream for snacks whenever she sees any family member eating in front of her. And if you don't offer her some, she continue with cry. She is showing signs that she dislikes to eat her porridge and cereal, having hard time trying to get her to open her mouth. However, she is FAST in eating her snacks!
She can recognise the family people. If you say where's ah gong, she will turn her head to look at him etc.
She knows the hand expression of "no more".
New words... "mum mum" (food) and "nan nan" (milk).
Mother's Day
Our little contribution to the first CHC Nursery Newsletter...

Both Mr Chng & little chng were down with flu for a few days. Sunday was truly a rest day for both of them. So Mother's Day was a simple dessert session at Compasspoint on Monday night. Since both of them have not fully recovered, they can only have the simple food while I can enjoy chewy chocolate ice-cream... yum YUM!
She has lost some weight after catching the long irritating virus. Thank God she is recovering and prayed that she will fully recover soon.

Both Mr Chng & little chng were down with flu for a few days. Sunday was truly a rest day for both of them. So Mother's Day was a simple dessert session at Compasspoint on Monday night. Since both of them have not fully recovered, they can only have the simple food while I can enjoy chewy chocolate ice-cream... yum YUM!
She has lost some weight after catching the long irritating virus. Thank God she is recovering and prayed that she will fully recover soon.
Look at Her
DE's Wedding Dinner

Brought Beatrice along to my boss's daugther wedding dinner. She was quite a good girl that day though it was a super long dinner... the main course was only served at 10pm and the whole dinner ends at 11.30pm. We try to carry her, play with her when the food is not served so as to keep her occupied. I also brought a few toys to keep her entertained. The only challenging part is to get her to drink MM from bottle while I was with her. We ended up bringing her out of the ballroom and "force" the bottle into her mouth so that she will drink.
Ethan Birthday Party at Gymboree
The Stash
This photo is my time & effort for Beatrice... mother's love. Going to start using the stash. Had reduce the number of times to pump at work place, daily output is less than daily consumption.

I don't have surplus supply but I remember Abishag told me got to be diligent. This stash was built from part of her daily "missed" feed when she started to sleep thru 6 hours from 2 weeks old. This stash is enough to meet her daytime feed for a month without me pumping at workplace.
A few moms from chat group encourage taking a photo of the stash before using which I think it is a good idea. This is gonna be a memory. And I really wonder will I be so diligent to do the same for the next baby.

I don't have surplus supply but I remember Abishag told me got to be diligent. This stash was built from part of her daily "missed" feed when she started to sleep thru 6 hours from 2 weeks old. This stash is enough to meet her daytime feed for a month without me pumping at workplace.
A few moms from chat group encourage taking a photo of the stash before using which I think it is a good idea. This is gonna be a memory. And I really wonder will I be so diligent to do the same for the next baby.
ROM Anniversary

Beatrice taking her evening nap while we can enjoy our dinner. It was a weekday so we decided to go for a simple dinner after fetching Beatrice. Dinner at Novena Velocity, Ichiban Boshi... quite a nice place, good service also.
Our family photo... I think she is more interested in the food on the table than the camera.
Her funny face
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