This blog is specially set up for my little Beatrice. I hope to capture the little & the big details of her childhood years. Years later, this blog will help me remember those little moments.
Denise & High School Musical

System Down
Car Seat
Beatrice's Piggy Bank
Jurong Church PM

It's been almost a year (52 weeks to be exact) since I stepped into this magnificent building.
Disney Live

Beatrice do know who is mickey & minnie, she has the soft toys. She was excited to see mickey & minnie on the stage, clapping hands together, hugging tight to her new minnie mouse bought from there. But she fell alseep in the dark environment shortly after that, it's her nap time.
Bug Bite

Is this a better picture to see the difference? She had something similar last week also on the left leg but it was not as bad as this time. This time round, her right hand has got a bite too, also swollen.
Wonder if it's the bed bugs. Anyway my mum is looking into the issue.
The 3 Cousins

Rae's 婆婆 brought him to play with Bea. When we reach home, I ask Bea about her fun time with Rae, she will keep smiling, knocking her head and walking around.
Very soon, Gabby will be crawling fast enough to catch up with the 2 elder ones. It's gonna be more fun to see them playing together.
Dinner Gathering
Whole Family Sick
I've been having this aching neck for the past week + bad tension headache hit last night. Now I'm sitting in the office wondering if I should go to the doctor to get some medicine. My company doctor... the lady doctor left & set up her clinic. The old man is always on his hp sms-ing, he spent more time on his hp than his patients. Don't understand why my boss likes him so much. Sigh

We went to T3 open house yesterday. For the sake of the older generation, we bought the guided tour into the transit section. My dad said anyway it's for charity.
From the public area to the transit area, Bea was busy walking around non-stop. We can't even get her to sit in her stroller. Checking out the floor, trolley, chair, flower and the pond water to make sure it's save for the fishes later. :)
The whole place is generally nice, closer to nature.
Vision Blocked
The Coris

We shifted in to our present flat a year ago. DH said the coris came out on newspaper for some form of award. So I went to check it out.. this precinct has got "HDB Design Award 2007", the contractor has got "HDB Construction Safety Award 2007" and connecting to us, the other contractor has got "HDB Quality Award 2007". Wow.. all 3 awards in 1 precinct. Anyway, it's just awards within HDB.
But I think this is a nice place. The exterior looks like a condo, it also has it's own name, no boundary walls though. There are 3 playgrounds within this precinct. Each floor consists of 4 units.. privacy. The interior layout is very similar to a typical condo, it has pretty regular shape for easy furniture arrangment. Premium flat with flooring, door, toilet done up & a service balcony too. Am I bias? ;p
A colleague who is in-charge of the private condo project (the Quartz) across the road commented that this precinct is even nicer than his project.
W30 CG

Got this photo from Dawn a month ago. 1st CG at Mervyn+Jenny's place. Thought I want to post something about this CG. I mentioned before that we are a family friendly CG.. full of parents & children.
So you can imagine while the CG is going on, sometimes the kids decided to walk across the room while we are singing or worse when Dawn is sharing the word or playing loudly at some part of the house. And Dawn on the other hand has to compete with the children and to keep the CG short, ignoring Debbie crying in the room. Every week, she will prepare sermon notes for us so that we can fill in the blanks and read through it at home if we are busy with the little ones. And she herself is a mother of 2 without any helper at home.
She is indeed a great CGL. Thanks Dawn!!
Photographer... :)
Ginder's maid
Friends Gathering

Oh, that's her new bag that we bought for her. Her princess bag was torn. And of course, the monster school bus again at J8. She likes this one.
Photos.. courtesy of Diana.
We didn't stop there for dinner, proceeded further to Botanic Garden. Haven't been there for ages! DH said they have a new basement foodcourt cum parking. According to DH, the foodcourt sells delicious food, they even have chilli crab.. WOW!
Yes I really meant very long ago! Other than the new Jacob Ballas Children's Garden, the last time I step into the botanic garden was I think back in secondary years. The tree branch doesn't have the 2 timber supports the last time. ;p
We are going back there again. Its a great place for Beatrice to run around on the field. Now that she is walking, its non-stop walking everywhere. Hmmm... how about a little picnic for the CG? We can bring some light refreshment and the kids came roam around on the field.
My Boss
I said, "No, I'm not pregnant! My lunch is the cause."
Last night I called for DH from the room, Bea with her eyes closed, sucking her tumb repeated "Dar" after me also.
Service Charge vs Spare Parts
But when I clarify with her yesterday, the total is $68. Praise God.. its lower than what I have expected, my cap was $140. The spare parts is only EIGHT dollars!
First, Beatrice pinched Reagan on his cheeks.
Pull her aside to talk to her.
Then she finds Janae's pony tail interesting and pull a few times.
Explain to her that she cannot pull other's hair, it's painful.
Then she went to Raegan again and pull his hair.
Force her to sit with me at the front, not allowing her to play. In my mind, I was thinking should I just leave the church for home since she can't behave herself. After a while, she say she wants "mum mum".. she is HUNGRY! I guess she was to engross in the play area she didn't come to me to tell me she wants food.
Sorry Raegan & Janae.
After I fed her dinner, she was happily playing again. 1 thing I noticed about Bea for the past 3 weeks when I left her to roam around while I can enjoyed the service.. where the food is, there you will find her sitting beside the helper/mother waiting for them to offer her a piece also. Sounds like a yaogui huh?
Hepatitis A
More Songs
Champagne pouring song..
Food presentation..
Err.. But I can't recall what's my march-out song. Only can remember it's the chorus part.
Love Will Find A Way
In a perfect world
One we've never known
We would never need to face the world alone
They can have the world
We'll create our own
I may not be brave or strong or smart
But somewhere in my secret heart
I know
Love will find a way
Anywhere I go
I'm home
If you are there beside me
Like dark turning into day
Somehow we'll come through
Now that I've found you
Love will find a way
I was so afraid
Now I realize
Love is never wrong
And so it never dies
There's a perfect world
Shining in your eyes
And if only they could feel it too
The happiness I feel with you
They'd know
Love will find a way
Anywhere we go
We're home
If we are there together
Like dark turning into day
Somehow we'll come through
Now that I've found you
Love will find a way
I know love will find a way
* Shine *

We have this lousy tile from HDB. The stains cannot be cleaned with normal mopping and the stain was getting from bad to worse.. making the whole kitchen looks so dirty. So I decided to give it a hard scrub.. tile by tile. It does looks shine after wash.
We had complained to HDB regarding the tile & HDB personnel said we are not the only owner that complained. But HDB is not doing much about it. Sent the tile for stain test, result came back ok. Contractor suppose to look for a floor cleaner to remove the stain but then never come back to us again.
Dinosaur's Wedding

It's Brian & Eric's army friend's wedding dinner last Friday. Both Ethan & Beatrice already had their dinner from home were getting bored sitting on the high chair. Beatrice kept saying "walk walk". So we took turns to eat & look after the 2 of them, letting them run about at the ballroom reception.

Nothing much accomplished for the day, we spent the afternoon in amk hub. Signed up for the mio TV & broadband and spend time sitting at the coffee bean enjoying a cup of coffee.
To recall, the last time we went patol was >6 months ago when we left Beatrice with my mum & went for a Sunday movie.
Last Pack of MM

Last week, make another trip to The Central to use up the voucher. Bought 2 handbags recently so didn't wanna get another one. So decided to buy a luggage instead.
Hmmm.. can be use for the upcoming company trip to ?? Still praying hard that the budget will be approved by the management and both DH & myself do not need to top up with any cash.
Technology Handicapped
I'd terminated my starhub broadband at home. Ever since we have Beatrice, we use it only occasionally (<4x/mth). Most of the time, I will surf during lunch in the office.
I'd also sent my 3 years old camera for repair. Zoom and function selections getting retarded. Hopefully its not too expensive or beyond repair. For the past 1.5 year, have been bringing the camera everywhere I go including taking photos of project site.
It's only ONE day & I'm already feeling handicapped. Counting down to 2 weeks later..
Singnet broadband - Occasional use.. 1Mbps is enough.
Singtel mio TV - Think DH will like their video on demand.. equivalent to our weekly DVD rental?
Canon IXUS 900 series? - Wouldn't mind if its a gift from someone. :)
Took some photos last few days, long process to download & blog.. will do it if Bea is good to sleep early tonight.