
An adventurous day with Beatrice. Flap for a cab & off to Mt. Alvernia to visit Aunty Vina. We then head for vivocity to meet Aunty Ana for coffee but end up enjoying our pedicure session, shopping & dinner.

She behave herself pretty well at the nail salon. She wanted to soak her little legs into the water too & oops she drop her sock in. Does she looks like she had her little pedicure session with us on the photo... drying her nails huh... haha.

But the shopping part was not pleasant, she wanted to see the surroundings and wanted me to carry her all the way through the mall... she scrEAM for attention. Halo... Mr Chng... it is time to change her carseat to stroller!?
Church Nursery Yahoo Group

Have been reading some of the blogs by the mums for their little ones. Sometimes, I will really salute to all the SAHM, how they sacrificed their career for their little ones. They could witness their little milestones & achievements. At times I will have thoughts of quitting job to be a SAHM also, to be able to spend more quality time with Beatrice but... too major step for me... maybe till we have our second one.

For now, I will still enjoy taking leave to be a day "tai tai" at orchard road, relax with a cup of coffee, shopping with Beatrice or even laze around at home. Yeah YEAH! Looking forward to tomorrow... "tai tai" day with Beatrice & friend.


I have been wanting to get the blogskin change but i really know nuts about html... at last I have make it! Hurray!

Playing on Her Own

Sally from church nursery was playing with her a while ago but she went off to attend to some other thing. So I just left her to play on her own. She was so engrossed with her little fingers and the plastic mat. She was playing on her own for quite some time before I decided to video it down.

Since a month ago, Beatrice has separation anxiety and she didn't allow me to join the CG in the auditorium during service. I was stuck in the nursery for the past few weeks. But every week without fail I will still explain to tell her that this is the church nursery, Beatrice stays there for service with the rest of her friends while mommy join the CG for service in the auditorium.

By looking at this video, I think I can try leaving her at the church nursery again while I can enjoy the serive with the rest of the church in the auditorium.

1st Tooth

Beatrice's 1st tooth is emerging... Yippi! For the past few weeks, I was still wondering when is she gonna have her 1st tooth.

Bad Mummy

Last Friday night Beatrice had a late shower after we came back from the service. But I was so tired I forgot that she just had her shower and brought her to our bedroom (aircon) to sleep & forgot to pull over her blanket. She woke up the next morning with a cold.

April Developments

Beatrice already know how to wave her little hands to say "bye bye" quite some time ago. 2 weeks ago, she learn to clap her hands when you say "拍手". Ya... she is chinese educated at my mum's place so if you say "clap hands", it doesn't make her clap... haha.

Her language now are "da da da..." & "ba ba ba..." and some other baby languages. If we leave her in her walker or cot, she will want our attention after a while. She will cry cry cry and say "ah bao"... Amazing. Hmmm... did she pick up from Raenen?

She is able to hold on to arm rest and support her body from sitting position to standing position. She can sit without support 2 months ago. But still no signs of crawling... Is she being lazy to learn?

My mum says both Beatrice & Raenen look forward to watch "Hi 5" every evening. Beatrice will clap & jump from her chair while Raenen will stay focus on the TV.


Something I noticed about Beatrice recently. When she was a little younger, she used to put everything that she holds into her mouth. Now, she will use her fingers to explore the thing that she is holding. And amazingly, she can play with the "toy" for quite a while and she don't put it into her mouth anymore. Oops, she spotted me taking her photo.

Mommy at Work

See who is the boss while mummy is at work.