Daddies And Kids Outing

Eric organised a daddies+kids outing last Sunday to Jurong Safra Kidz Amaze.

Told Bea she is going out with the daddies and children, she hesitated a little initially. Told her the daddies going to bring the children to kids maze followed by ice-cream & mummies will join them for dinner. She then agreed to follow and look forward to it.

Requested DH to take some photos for me to do some blogging. He borrowed my Sony camera. As anticipated, the photos were blured with kids in action. There were a whole lot of photos that were over exposed. But its OK. Thanks Dear!

Followed by dinner at Wee Keong + Sally's place. Sally cooked curry, finger food, pizza and prata for us. We bought some sushi & toriQ.

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