Sakae Sushi

DH brought us to Sakae Sushi for dinner so that I could eat my salmon sashimi. Something that I wanted to eat for the day which helps to build my iron level.

Haven't been to Sakae for a long time, at least not with Bea. So I was surprised to see their high chair hooked on to the table.

These 2 mentos that Bea is holding, she got it from the mentos machine at J8. This is the first time DH inserted $1 coin into it. She was trilled to see the 2 mini mentos coming out of the machine. She took the sweets, hoping & running around J8 and she attracted many staring at her. ;0

My yummy salmon sashimi. I missed the one at Miramar Hotel, Ikoi Japanese Restaurant.

Her aeroplane meal., looks delicious too. Mummy helped her eat part of it. :)


Jason & Diana said...

Oh,I miss sashimi too. I have planned to go Ikoi for all the sashimi after my confinement.

Iris said...

hahaha.. ask me along lei. Brian dun eat sashimi, no fun eating alone.