Cold Storage Kids Run 2010

23 May 2010

Our annual event is here once again. This year we have some new inclusion.. a bigger team.. 11 children running in total.

Need Bea to fill her stomach before the run. :)

Continue eating in the car, she is too slow in finishing her food.

The children getting ready for their run.

Iron-men in action.

Bea reserving her energy, asking daddy to carry her till the run starts. Smart her!

Charlize came to join in the fun too.

Part of the team ready for a group photo. :)

How about a game of scissor-paper-stone since we still have time. But Koen seem to be taking a long time to decide what he wants to show.

Finally a stone to hit the scissor. ;-p

Raemus came too.

Gabby didn't join in this year. :(

Wow! So many balloons!

Jenny went to queue for balloons for our kids who had completed the run. And many thought she is distributing the balloons to the kids in general, many ask her for balloon. She had to keep explaining that these are reserved for her friends' children when they completed the run.

Blue Sky Chase (2-3 yr old).. this girl came in first with her dad.

Jaydon & Ana.

Here come my girl with Seifer. I'm so proud of her. This year, she walked with Seifer (hand-in-hand?) throughout the 800m, didn't ask daddy to carry her.

Our 33 wks preggy mummy walking with her Jayden.

Beatrice with her finish medal.

Another group photo after the run. :)

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