KL Day 3

KF brought us to Bangi Kopitiam for breakfast.

They then dropped us at Alamanda at Putrajaya to jalan around, they went back for a rest. Wanted to do shoulder massage but it was full. Wanted to do hair treatment but afternoon plan was to let the children swim so better not waste my money doing the hair. So end up, we spent the time walking around the shopping mall, letting Bea played at the playground and had a light lunch at A&W.

Bea took a nap after lunch while I walked around at Parkson.

KF & FL came to pick us and we went to Mont Kiara for snack at Desert Bar. This is where Nicole had her birthday party few months back. According to them, they serve yummy yet healthy food. And DH said it's nice and cheap!

FL brought the children to the Clubhouse for a swim.

That's about the end of the trip, we left for Singapore the following morning.

Indeed a good break from work, relaxed, chatting with freinds, children have fun together & FOOD. Actual fact.. no intention to shop or buy anything but end up carrying a big bag of stuff for Bea's birthday next month.. something which I have yet to see in Singapore at that point. :)

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